Trinity United Methodist Church, 4001 Speedway, Austin, TX 78751
In the Interfaith Chapel Feb. 26th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome
Trinity United Methodist Church, 4001 Speedway, Austin, TX 78751
In the Interfaith Chapel Feb. 26th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome
March 13-15, 2020
Sabbath: Welcoming the Divine Feminine
You are the Sabbath Queen, the Great Mother, who sits at the heart of the table… May we remember you and lift you up. May we recognize your face and celebrate your beauty in everything and everyone, everywhere, always. Mirabai Starr
Space to listen Deep Reflection Community
A time to experience Sabbath and to welcome the Divine Feminine in ways we can bring home to our ordinary lives. A silent retreat is a place to come with intention of deep listening. It is a time for “being” rather than “doing.” In supportive companionship you are encouraged to connect with your deep longings.
Where: John Knox Ranch near Fischer, Texas
When: Friday March 13 6:00p.m. dinner through Sunday, March 15th lunch/clean-up
Leader and Spiritual Director: Judith Liro, SHC
You are welcome to arrive any time after 3pm on Friday. We recommend that you get there as early as possible to settle in before dinner. Silence will begin later Friday evening and extend until Sunday a.m. If you aren’t able to make the whole retreat, please plan on coming another time.
Cost: Retreat costs are on a sliding scale: $120-150 + 1 meal for the group. Those willing and able to make a donation to help sponsor scholarships are encouraged to do so. Please ask about scholarship if cost is a barrier. Registration/questions: Judith: jliro@swbell.net —
February 6-May 21, 2020 13 classes
Thursdays/afternoon and evening classes
Afternoon 4:00 pm -6:00 p.m. CST Evening 7:00-9:00 pm CST
It is my hope that you, like I, will find yourself shining from the luminous mirror of these wisdom beings. That you will identify with their struggles and be encouraged by their breakthroughs. That you will forge living relationships with them as your ancestors and guides, draw on their power, embody their essential qualities. It is my prayer that together we will welcome the wisdom of women back into the collective field, where it may help to transform the human family and heal the ravaged earth. Mirabai Starr
When we are sorely tempted to lose hope, the women mystics from the world’s spiritual depths arise to guide and empower us. As Mirabai Starr understands and shares their wisdom through the particularity of her own unique life, we are invited to find our own connections, to bring our own offering of wild mercy to heal the earth.
Leader: The Rev. Judith Liro, St. Hildegard’s Community. You can participate on-line by Zoom or in person at Trinity Church of Austin
Trinity Church is located at 4001 Speedway, Austin, Texas, and we enter by the 40th Street door. Participants should commit to being present for most of the classes and to engage the reading and assignments. Participants in Austin will occasionally share a simple meal. Contact Judith with questions or to register: jliro@swbell.net, 512-925-9156 Cost is a sliding scale $40-$100 plus the cost of the book. Don’t let cost keep you away as this can be adjusted to your needs.
February 6 Introduction
February 13 Turning Inward: Cultivating Contemplative Life
February 20 Laying Down Our Burden: Keep the Sabbath Holy
February 27 Breaking Open: The Alchemy of Longing
March 5 Melting Down: Dissolving into the One
March 12 (no class)
March 19 Connecting: Community and the Web of Interbeing
March 26 Embracing: Sexual Embodiment
April 2 Sheltering: Mothering as a Path of Awakening
April 9 Maundy (no class)
April 16 Cocreating: Caring for Our Mother the Earth
April 23 Making a Joyful Noise: Creativity and the Arts
April 30 (no class)
May 7 Forgiving: The Art of Mercy
May 14 Dying: The Ultimate Spiritual Practice
May 21 Taking Refuge: Teachers, Teachings, and Soul Family
For those in and near Austin:
February 20th: Conspirare’s Vanguard II, featuring Mirabai Starr’s Prayer to the Shekinah, commissioned by Conspirare. St. Martin’s Lutheran Church 7:30pm $20-$60
Friday evening, May 8th from 7pm to 9pm, please join Eremos for a special inter-spiritual experience. Mirabai will offer an introduction to the essence of Wild Mercy, lead us in the Jewish Shabbat prayers and then welcome Dr. Güner Arslan to help us honor Ramadan and break the fast at 8:15pm (sunset). $65 per person (includes dinner).
Saturday, May 9th, spend the day with Mirabai immersed in the wisdom of the women mystics: 10am to 4pm (with book signing immediately following). $125 per person.