Ecowomanism: Servant Leadership School Offering for Winter 2019

To Honor the Earth

January 10 — March 28, 2019, 10 classes
Thursdays/afternoon and evening classes
Afternoon 4 pm — 6 pm  CST
Evening 7 pm — 9pm CST

With Melanie Harris’s book, Ecowomanism: African American Women and Earth-Honoring Faiths, as inspiration and guide, we’ll dig into our own stories—How did you and I grow up in relationship with Earth?  How were our ancestors rooted in honoring earth?  What resources are to be found in faith traditions honoring earth?  Melanie Harris shares her own story as well as a womanist process that challenges the white, usually male, vision and priorities of the environmental movement. Honoring Earth fully needs the voices of all, especially those silenced because of gender, race, and class.  To Honor the Earth is an opportunity to reflect and share with others as we listen to our deep longing to honor Earth and respond to the extreme challenges facing humanity.  The book will provide model and process to wake us up, inviting us into the deeper work of engaging our own stories so we can act with heart and soul. Leader: The Rev. Judith Liro, St. Hildegard’s Community.

You can participate on-line by Zoom or in person at Trinity Church, 4001 Speedway, Austin.  Participants in Austin will share a simple meal. Contact Judith with questions or to register:,, 512-925-9156  Cost is a sliding scale $40-$100.  Inquire about a Zoom class at another time if you cannot make it on Thursdays. 

Dr. Melanie Harris, author of Ecowomanism, will speak in Austin, Texas April 5-6, 2019 during the “Calling in the Key of She” event sponsored by Equity for Women in the Church

A Retreat with St. Hildegard’s Community: February 2019

Way of Life Embodying the Circle of Love

You are invited to a time of future-visioning in the spirit of Hildegard of Bingen. We will be sharing our practices of embodying the circle of love in our daily lives and in

WHEN: 4 p.m. Thursday, February 14 through 2 p.m. Sunday, February 17, 2019

WHERE: Cedarbrake Retreat Center in Belton, Texas (60 miles north of Austin)
Come explore being part of St. Hildegard’s as we grow into a dispersed
Community. We also welcome you if you are seeking spiritual resources personally
or for your own community.

COST: Cost is based on a sliding scale of $200-400, which includes single room
accommodation, meals, and materials. Scholarship and work-trade options are available.

REGISTRATION: For more information and to register contact Registrar Sr.
Virginia Marie by January 29, 2019. Receipt of a non-
refundable $75 deposit will hold your place. You will then be sent preparatory readings
and asked to write and send us a spiritual autobiography. Register early for ample
preparation time.

Hildegard’s Kin-dom Journey explores the essentials of our life together
inspired by Hildegard of Bingen and the ways Spirit-Sophia moves among
us today bringing greening vitality and justice. For us the word Kin-dom
describes a community of life based on friendship and partnership among all
beings and Earth. The word Journey suggests an evolving process of co-

You are invited to explore spiritual longings and experience fresh
possibilities in community. Participants will prepare for the retreat by
writing a spiritual autobiography and reading material about St. Hildegard’s
Community. The event will begin with a Silent Retreat and then we’ll offer
presentations and small group work. We will finish on Sunday with a festive
Participatory Eucharist and planning for next steps.