A Retreat with St. Hildegard’s Community: February 2019

Way of Life Embodying the Circle of Love

You are invited to a time of future-visioning in the spirit of Hildegard of Bingen. We will be sharing our practices of embodying the circle of love in our daily lives and in

WHEN: 4 p.m. Thursday, February 14 through 2 p.m. Sunday, February 17, 2019

WHERE: Cedarbrake Retreat Center in Belton, Texas (60 miles north of Austin)
Come explore being part of St. Hildegard’s as we grow into a dispersed
Community. We also welcome you if you are seeking spiritual resources personally
or for your own community.

COST: Cost is based on a sliding scale of $200-400, which includes single room
accommodation, meals, and materials. Scholarship and work-trade options are available.

REGISTRATION: For more information and to register contact Registrar Sr.
Virginia Marie laluna.rincon@gmail.com by January 29, 2019. Receipt of a non-
refundable $75 deposit will hold your place. You will then be sent preparatory readings
and asked to write and send us a spiritual autobiography. Register early for ample
preparation time.

Hildegard’s Kin-dom Journey explores the essentials of our life together
inspired by Hildegard of Bingen and the ways Spirit-Sophia moves among
us today bringing greening vitality and justice. For us the word Kin-dom
describes a community of life based on friendship and partnership among all
beings and Earth. The word Journey suggests an evolving process of co-

You are invited to explore spiritual longings and experience fresh
possibilities in community. Participants will prepare for the retreat by
writing a spiritual autobiography and reading material about St. Hildegard’s
Community. The event will begin with a Silent Retreat and then we’ll offer
presentations and small group work. We will finish on Sunday with a festive
Participatory Eucharist and planning for next steps.