Friday, July 6 at 9 am-10:15 CDT
Traditional and New: Religious Communities in TEC
The Religious Life lives at the heart of the Church in the Episcopal Church (USA). Join us for a conversation about Religious Life in current times–its traditional, new and yet-to-be expressions. Sr Faith Margaret, CHS and President of CAROA (Conference of Religious Orders in the Americas) will moderate the panel featuring members of both traditional and new religious communities as well as your questions. Location: St. David’s Episcopal Church Austin, Texas, 301 E. 8th St., Austin, Texas
Sunday, July 8, St. Hildegard Community Worship
You are invited to our weekly worship. Silent meditation at 3:00 pm., Eucharist at 3:30 pm. Location: Interfaith Chapel at Trinity United Methodist Church, 4001 Speedway, Austin, TX