In our life together we pray, celebrate the Eucharist, learn, seek silence, reflect & act.
We invite others to join us for these regular offerings.

We offer contemplative worship that calls forth our creativity and our questions
Email us to receive a link to join us online. We meet for silence at 4 pm Central Time, followed by the service at 4:30. A group gathers for the Eucharist in Austin at Trinity Methodist Church and others join us from many states online. We invite you to join us.
We are delighted and grateful to share some of our community-written music in our new songbook, Song of Earth and Heaven. See below for more.
We'll post upcoming retreats here. Our retreats include Advent, Journey Inward/ Journey Outward, Call Retreats, and more. We often go to Cedarbrake near Austin. And offer online options.
We offer book studies, Servant Leadership School classes, short studies. Our next Servant Leadership School classes will begin January 2025.
What do people experience here?
At St Hildregard’s Community people find a place to be real and be known and to worship using liberating language.
Here you can dive deep with spiritual practices. We support people in living into their true selves and Spirit-inspired calls.

Shine on
“Good People, most royal greening verdancy, rooted in the sun,
you shine with radiant light.” —Hildegard of Bingen